I Heart Urban Art

Over the last year and a half I have become increasingly obsessed with Urban/Street Art.  Can’t get enough of the stuff and have been uber-excited to see Adelaide embracing this with such gusto.

Creative collectives such as Format and recent events like Street Dreams and Indelible (so sad that I missed this) – just spur my enthusiasm – I am blown away by the talent and energy (not to mention the final product).

My poor work colleagues don’t hear the end of it from me, every time we move to play-space to conceptualize what might be for project, you can bet you bottom $ that I pipe in with some wacky Street Art concept *team rolls eyes*.  Yeah come on people……

Other than the awesome factor, what I really love about it is:  its all about where our younger peeps are at:  It embraces  and celebrates their identity and what they associate with, rather than just discouraging & regulating it.  It is about trust and creating a cool space.  It’s about community and culture.  It sort of has a mischievous feel about it, it’s provocative and often super intelligent and political. It promotes diversity, creativity and artistic endeavour and, with any luck, it encourages younger people feel proud of the place they live.  There’s more but that would just be raving.

To give you a taste, here’s a few pics of cool urban art happening about the place.

Adelaide Street Art:

Kate Gagliardi Street Dreams / Format Mural

Prisoners and Guards | Topham Mall carpark, Adelaide CBD.
Loves it.

From LA’s MOCA – Art in the Streets:


If you want to see more awesomeness have a look here and here.

Final note:  this post is in no way condoning random tagging on people’s private property, which is highly disrespectful, not to mention often incredibly ugly. However I do wonder what might be if we took a different, collective approach to turning this issue into an opportunity…..

Final final note: I am sad to say that I no longer see myself in this “younger people” category *booooo* – I guess it’s all relative….

Happy day
